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Clare County Council launches Clare Local Area Grant Scheme 2024

15 January 2024

The Clare Local Area Grant Scheme (CLAGS) 2024 is a Council-led grant scheme that provides funding for local communities to assist them with various projects that fall within the relevant categories of the scheme.

In addition to local community projects, the scheme also includes funding to support artists and organisations who stimulate public interest in, promote knowledge, appreciation, and practice of, or improve standards in the arts.

For 2024, applications are being invited under 11 separate grant support categories as follows:

  1. Support Scheme for Public Realm Initiatives and Amenity Projects (Max Grant €3,000)

Applications are invited from community groups for small scale projects that will enhance the appearance of outdoor public amenity areas and public spaces – see Scheme guidelines for more details.

  1. Support Scheme for Maintenance of Open Spaces in Private Housing Developments

Applications will be accepted from private resident associations/groups for funding towards grass cutting and landscaping works within private housing estates. - see Scheme guidelines for details.

  1. Support Scheme for Community Playgrounds (Max Grant €3,000)

Applications are invited from Community Playground Committees for funding to assist them in the operation of community playgrounds. see Scheme guidelines for details.

  1. Support Scheme for Burial Ground Maintenance and Provision (Max Grant €1,000 for Maintenance and €10,000 for provision of extension)

Applications are invited from community groups to assist them in the upkeep of burial grounds eg. grass cutting costs.

  1. Support Scheme for Christmas Lighting (Max Grant €500)

Applications are invited from community groups for funding to assist with the cost of purchasing or upgrading Christmas lighting displays. Only one application per town/village will be considered for funding.

  1. Support Scheme for the Best Kept Local Authority Estate (Max Grant €500)

Applications are invited from social housing residents’ associations for funding to assist with the upkeep and appearance of their estate.

  1. Support Scheme for the Arts. 

Applications are invited from Artists and Arts organisations for funding for Arts Events and Projects / Organisational Support - see Scheme guidelines for details.

  1. Support Scheme for the Irish Language (Max Grant €800)

Applications are invited from community groups for exhibitions, projects or other events which stimulate public interest in the Irish language, provide a knowledge, appreciation and practice of the Irish language or improve the standard of the Irish Language

  1. Support Scheme for Tourism Marketing & Promotion

Applications are invited from new and established Tourism Networks for projects that market and promote Clare as a destination- see Scheme guidelines for details.

  1. Support Scheme for Sustainable Tourism

Applications are invited from community-based Tourism Operator Networks for projects that contribute to the continuous improvement in sustainable tourism practices.

  1. Support Scheme for Community Project Development (Max Grant €5,000)

Applications are invited from Community groups for funding to assis in the development of larger projects. Eligible costs include costs of acquiring technical expertise, design costs and planning application costs. Community Groups should consult with the Rural & Community Development Officer in their area before submitting an application.

Online applications can be made from 9.00am on Friday 12th January, 2024.

The Online Application system and scheme guidelines can be accessed at:

The Closing Date for submission of online applications is 5.00pm on Friday 2nd February, 2024.

Enquiries can be made by email  

Page last reviewed: 15/01/24

Content managed by: Corporate Services Department

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